Jennifer Giles Jennifer Giles


I was holding a public group reading event one evening in the spring of 2010 when I met a man named Jared.

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Little Bug
Jennifer Giles Jennifer Giles

Little Bug

I met with Jackie 4 years ago shortly after her son's sudden passing. At that time Jackie's granddaughter, and the love of her son's life, had just turned One. Jackie was in such horrible shock and experiencing such raw grief we decided a reading probably wasn't the best for her at that time. I sat with her and let her talk. I gave her a safe space to be herself. To let go. She yelled, …

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The White Wolf
Jennifer Giles Jennifer Giles

The White Wolf

Just recently a young lady came to me for some guidance and direction in her life. She was feeling very lost and alone, and needing to make some very difficult decisions

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Angels Among Us
Jennifer Giles Jennifer Giles

Angels Among Us

Over the years I've heard many personal accounts of ordinary people having extraordinary experiences where they felt protected or rescued by other worldly beings. Divine messengers.. Who are sent here to our physical plane during times of danger and desperation.

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Jennifer Giles Jennifer Giles


This past November I was giving a reading for a woman named Stephanie. She told me that 3 months ago she did not believe in any form of survival after physical death, and laughed at the thought of angels or other spirit beings contacting us from beyond.

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Sensing the Light and Dark Energy As a Child
Jennifer Giles Jennifer Giles

Sensing the Light and Dark Energy As a Child

At the age of four I was sensing these wonderful beings. I couldn't quite see them in the same way that I saw human beings. It was more of a flash of illuminating white light, sometimes moving around me like a lightning bolt.

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January Rain
Jennifer Giles Jennifer Giles

January Rain

This story shows how the seamless connection between humans and spirit is happening around us constantly.

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