Sensing the Light and Dark Energy As a Child

At the age of four I was sensing these wonderful beings. I couldn't quite see them in the same way that I saw human beings. It was more of a flash of illuminating white light, sometimes moving around me like a lightning bolt. Sometimes I would see them as bright white or blue  sparkles in the air. And on some occasions they would appear as a cloud like mist that would move through the atmosphere like heavy fog, surrounding me and giving me the sense that I was always protected. Although I didn't quite understand what this phenomenon was, I could absolutely tell you how it made me feel. Completely joyful. An intense sense of  love and support and an overwhelming feeling of safety and security. Although I didn't know who or what they were, these light beings seemed to know me very well and they seemed to always be with me, night and day. I enjoyed them so much. Although I couldn't clearly see them and recognize a form or a gender, most importantly I could sense them. In our 3D world we tend to believe that sight is our most powerful way to gauge a person or situation. Seeing is believing, right? No. Very wrong. In our 3D world we rely heavily on our sight. We believe that if something or someone looks good they must be good. That is a very dangerous illusion in our world. I'll tell you why..

We are all born with senses to help us navigate through life, however we need to make sure that we are using the right senses for the right situations. Understanding how to recognize and utilize our senses is not something that we're taught. We understand the very basics but we have no idea the importance of knowing that our senses are literally our lifeline. We tend to discount our "feelings" and "knowingness" and rely heavily on our "practical" mind leaving us completely unguarded for anything to happen to us. And do you know who does have the senses mastered? Those who are trying to prey on us. Yes. They know how to watch our every move. They don't pay attention to our words, or our personality. They watch our body signals. They read our minds through the subtle ways we nod our head or  position our torso towards them. Our words don't matter because they know not to always believe the words. They know it's our energy that gives away our truth. So imagine if you came across someone and you immediately had a feeling that something wasn't right. Something about this person made you feel uncomfortable. Imagine if you honored that feeling and pulled your energy in close to you, not allowing the person to sense your energy at all. Imagine if this became your natural way of existing and you utilized the skill in your everyday life. Could you imagine all of the headaches you would avoid by knowing how to energetically disengage with those  who don't have the best intentions. This could be your boss, a co worker, a first date, or a stranger on the street. We share energy back and forth with everyone throught our day. Our energy is the most intimate part of who we are.Please don't give it away freely and easily. And always honor your feelings. It's not coming from a place of judgement. It's being given to you as truth. Recognize everyone's truth before you engage. No one is sense more beneficial than the other. They all have their place in our world. Sight will draw you in to notice something or someone. And feeling will tell you everything you need to know about that particular something or someone.

As I was connecting with these light filled beings. At the same time I was also experiencing a very different level of energy. A very negative and dangerous energy. It terrified me to my very core. Suddenly the air in the atmosphere would change.A neutral, indifferent energy would suddenly feel horrible. I could look at the empty space of air and feel something dreaded piercing through the atmosphere. I would then hear a familiar sound which would mimick a rustling leaf. Normally a beautiful sound but this was different. It had an unearthly and unnatural  tone to it. The sound of the crunch of a leaf except the crunching droned on and on, and morphed into a creaking sound much like an an un-oiled door hinge. The sound of a creaky leaf was almost always followed by the release of a deep breath. I could hear it fill up the air space surrounding me.It was the most unnerving feeling ever. Someone or something unseen yet all around you. I could never tell where the breathing was coming from. It would usually start near one of my ears then it would vibrate throughout the space around me. I could hear  movements around me as if this entity was trying to manifest into a physical form. Shifting its body from side to side getting accustomed to its new physical form however I see nothing. Nothing at all. I could feel the malicious intentions it had for me and the desire to emotionally torment me. And I always knew what would come next. A misty, dark colored cloud like substance would show itself to me hiding behind this terrible feeling, not showing me who or what they were.I could feel it watching me, remaining shadowed barely beyond the edge of the veil between my reality and theirs.  This felt extremely different than the light ones. Sometimes this heavy cloud would stay nearby usually around 6 to 8 feet above me, just looming in such an ominous way. It would stagnate in the air. Within the cloud would be movement, almost like a heartbeat, as if it's trying to convey to me that it's a living part of the universe just as I was.Almost to make a point that they exist, and that my existence depended on theirs. Which made no sense to me at the time. It was many years later before I could completely grasp that ominous message being conveyed to me.  

I learned at a young age that there is beauty in our world. Life is precious, and having the opportunity to live on this planet is precious. I also learned that life can be dangerous. There is an energy that can influence us and endanger us if we don't know how to recognize it when it shows up in our lives. I recognized that life is a fine balance and everything has its reason for "being". Like it or not. 




January Rain