The White Wolf

I have a quick story to share! It's a little different than the ones I've been sharing lately and thought it might interest some of you. I also have a question for you at the end of the story.

Just recently a young lady came to me for some guidance and direction in her life. She was feeling very lost and alone, and needing to make some very difficult decisions which involved removing herself from certain close family members who have been toxic in her life. At 19 years old she carried with her the wisdom of many lifetimes, and was impressively evolved and grounded.

A few minutes into the reading this massive animal caught my attention and started taking shape in the physical form. It was a massive white wolf! It appeared to me on her right side nearly as solid as both of us.

She could see I was distracted and asked me what was happening. I told her " Sweetie, you have a beautiful, massive white wolf with you. This is your totem animal."

She suddenly started crying. She told me she had a difficult life as a child and has always been on her own. She said, "When I was a child I would go to bed at night wishing I had security, or felt love from at least one of my parents. On those really tough nights I would have  dreams of a white wolf. It always felt like he was coming to my rescue. I know it's strange but I knew that he loved me . And in my dreams sometimes he would talk to me. Every time I had a dream about him I  would wake up feeling loved and safe. It's like he's a good omen for me. When he appears in dreams good things start happening for me. So he's my totem animal?" I told her " Yes, he's your spirit guide in animal form.  We have many different Spirit guides that watch over us including our totem animal guides. What a gift to have such a close relationship with him all these years. And he will continue to be that loving guide for you in this lifetime, until you are back together again on the other side someday."

She was so pleased to have her white wolf come through for her during her reading experience and having the validation that he will always be by her side.

My question:

Do you know your totem animal?


Little Bug


Angels Among Us