My Story


My name is Jennifer and I was born with a natural ability to speak to those in the spirit world. My first connection with spirit was with my great grandfather who passed when I was 4 years old. Just days after he passed I saw him in his backyard while I was at his house visiting with my great grandmother. He looked directly at me with a loving smile and a wave, and  ever since  that day he has remained a constant source of love and guidance in my life.

I continued to have experiences with every loved one in my life who would pass into spirit. They would wake me in the middle of the night at my bedside, sharing comforting messages with me, and sometimes  foretelling me  of future events which would eventually come to pass.

By the time I was a teenager spirits that I never knew in life began showing up at my bedside at night. Although at first I was fearful of the strangers in my room I came to realize that they needed my help to pass along messages to their loved ones in our world.They would give me a name or show me a picture of their loved one and somehow arrange a way that we would meet in life where I could share the beautiful messages from their loved ones in spirit.

At the same time that I was having these heart warming connections with spirits, I was also experiencing beings that were not at peace on the other side. As a child I was fearful of the earthbound energies who seemed to be more malevolent in nature. Some were attracted to me because they wanted my help to understand what happened to them. Others didn't like the fact that I could see them, and they would do anything in their power to scare me or  hurt me to ensure that I would leave them alone. By the age of sixteen I started helping families who were being terrorized by these energies. 

And now at the age of 49 I have had decades of experiences with all levels of spirit. From Angels,  guides, and loved ones in spirit, to earthbound ghosts, poltergeists, and demonic entities. I'm dedicated to sharing my knowledge so others can learn how to have a deeper connection with their loved ones in spirit, strengthen their own psychic and intuitive abilities, or learn how to protect themselves and others from the dangers of the lower level beings.

I offer private readings, group readings, educational courses, paranormal clearings, mentorship program, missing person's cases, and my first book coming soon!