Jennifer's offerings and pricing:

By phone only



An online community of individuals who are seekers of everything spiritual and paranormal.

  • 90 minute monthly meet up on zoom with insights on topics exclusive only to the community.

  • $5.00 a month

  • Coming Soon!


A connection with a loved one(s) in spirit for validation and healing purposes.

  • For 1-2 people.

  • 90 Minutes

  • It's best if all participants are wanting connections with the same loved ones in spirit.

  • $295.00


A connection with a loved one(s) in spirit for validation and healing purposes.

  • For 3-10 people.

  • 2 Hours

  • A friends and/or family gathering where all participants can connect with their loved ones in spirit.

  • $360.00-$540.00


Assistance with life  circumstances from a spiritual perspective. How to access the deeper, hidden truth to your soul's journey and enhance your life in areas of relationships, working life, financial life, health, healing, major change, unexpected events, mind, body, soul wellness.

  • Individual Session

  • 90 Minutes

  • $215.00

  • 60 Minutes

  • $200.00


All are welcome! Share an afternoon with Jennifer as she connects and communicates with your loved ones in spirit, bringing through validating information and comforting messages from the other side. 

Due to the size of the group not everyone will be guaranteed a connection. Jennifer's  public group readings are perfect for those who are interested in watching the process. Great for first timers as a comfortable introduction to Jennifer and how she works. Great for those who enjoy watching the enlightening connections happen. Great for the education of  understanding spirit and how to communicate with spirit on your own.

  • $75.00 per person

  • Special Event

  • Date coming soon!!


Jennifer offers a paranormal assessment for those who are experiencing unusual phenomenon in their homes, properties, or businesses. This process consists of a 90 minute walk through of the location where Jennifer will recognize and share with you, the type of energy that is inhabiting your personal space. Jennifer will then proceed with a paranormal clearing unique to the specific nature of the energies involved. This can be done remotely or in person.

  • Remotely $240.00

  • In person $240.00 plus travel time


Master Course

Jennifer's Master Course is a very comfortable approach to understanding the subtle worlds surrounding us and how we can easily access them. Whether you are interested in recognizing your deeper intuition, creating a renewed relationship with your loved ones in spirit, or beginning your journey to someday become a spiritual healer or teacher yourself, the Master Course will challenge you in new ways to rediscover your spirit self and connect with your unique natural psychic abilities.

The Master Class is designed to take you on your personal journey of self discovery through a process of inner self work, course work, meditations, practices, and journaling. This course is very heavy on education and is the overall introduction to many specified courses to come! 

  • Recommended for beginning and intermediate levels. 

  • Challenging

  • Very comprehensive

  • Will be offered online and in person in Santa Cruz, California

  • Coming Soon!!


This group event will be held at a private room in the Winchester Mystery House. You will learn about all different levels of paranormal energy and how you yourself can pick up on the ghostly energy. This is a private 1 hour guided tour through a new part of the house for the first time in 20 years that has never been open to the public.

  • Being Rescheduled!

  • Guided Group Tour

  • The Explore More Tour

  • 60 Minutes

  • $90.00

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