Angels Among Us

Over the years I've heard many personal accounts of ordinary people having extraordinary experiences where they felt  protected or rescued by other worldly beings. Divine messengers.. Who are sent here to our physical plane during  times of danger and desperation. Angels.. I recently spoke with a 34 year old man named Isaac who has spent his entire adulthood trying to make sense of a childhood memory he questions to this day.

Isaac was 11 years old when he was swimming in the ocean and  pulled under by a dangerous rip current. It happened so quickly that he had no opportunity to yell to his friends for help. He couldn't fight the strong current and was terrified that he would drown.

That's when Isaac suddenly felt a hand wrap around his left forearm and forcefully pull him up to the surface. When he reached the surface and opened his eyes, he saw a woman standing over him.. Literally standing on top of the water! Isaac shared his account with me, "My body was like a knife cutting through the ocean current and blasting to the surface with unusual force. When I reached the surface and opened my eyes, there was this woman.. And she was standing right in front of me. I remember looking up at her and thinking, how is this woman floating on the water?? She had long , brown hair and piercing blue eyes, like a purple blue. A color I've never seen before. And she was wearing a long white robe that sparkled with some sort of silver or metallic flex. The end of her robe (near her ankles) was touching the water but the robe remained dry, and I couldn't see her feet,  just the end of the long robe apparently suspending her on the surface of the ocean. Humanly impossible.. She wasn't wet at all, which was strange, and she was completely calm. How was she able to pull me out of the ocean without a drop of water on her? And I know this doesn't make any sense but I heard her voice in my head. She said, you're safe now. That was it. Then she just faded away. The vision of her only lasted a few seconds, but it was real. I saw a woman that day, or some form of a woman, and I know she saved my life. My friends, the lifeguard, others in the ocean at that time didn't see her. And to this day, no one has any explanation how I was able to reach the surface in those rough conditions on my own. All I can assume is, I had an Angel on my shoulder that day. And although I will never fully understand it, I hope she's still keeping an eye on me."

Where Heaven and Earth meet is where miracles happen.


The White Wolf
